Welcome to the Bloodlust&mercy official wiki

Explore everything you need to immerse yourself in our expansive TTRPG universe, from powerful spells and unique skills to the languages of the diverse worlds within. Dive into an ever-expanding repository of knowledge and adventure. we will also add content about the video here once it is in beta or alpha.

Bloodlust & Mercy Logo
Weapon and tool class
**◦** Bomb
**◦** Potion
**◦** Orb
**◦** Paint brush
**◦** Pencil
**◦** Chisel
**◦** Bounce ball
**◦** Wrecking ball
**◦** Null ball
**Bone weaver**
**◦** Bone blade
**◦** Bone gun
**◦** Bone whip
**◦** Cutlass
**◦** Patuki
**◦** Curved axe
**◦** Refining arm
**◦** Scooper
**◦** Buzz saw
**◦** Fan
**◦** Spear
**◦** Staff
**Giant slayers**
**◦** Sling
**◦** Sling shot
**◦** Bolas
**◦** Lance
**◦** Conceal melee weapon
**◦** Conceal ranged weapon
**Life weaver**
**◦** Summon
**◦** Living weapon
**◦** Spores
**Mall ninja**
**◦** Nunchucks
**◦** Throwing stars
**◦** Blade grip
**◦** Wrench
**◦** Turret
**◦** Torch
**◦** Chi orb
**◦** Rings
**◦** Talisman
**◦** Car
**◦** Truck
**◦** Bike
**◦** Boat
**◦** Cannon
**◦** Rail gun
**Star chaser**
**◦** Fluid gun
**◦** Energy chaser
**◦** Particle blaster
**◦** Laso
**◦** barb
**◦** Shackle
**◦** Magic bubbles
**◦** Arcane ark
**◦** Null shots
**Ancient Glitched**
**◦** Glitch string
**◦** Glitch blade
**◦** Glitch fire arm
**◦** Whip
**◦** Dart rope
**◦** Razor floss
**◦** String instruments
**◦** Wind instruments
**◦** Precaution
**◦** Meteor hammers
**◦** Boomerang
**◦** Shrunken
**◦** Cane
**◦** Magic circle
**◦** Flail
**◦** Ribbon
**◦** Tracer dot
**◦** Quarter staff
**◦** Scythe
**◦** Sickle
**◦** Hoe
**◦** Flame thrower
**◦** Gatling gun
**◦** Smg
**◦** Pole arm
**◦** Short sword
**◦** Mace
**◦** Tomahawk
**◦** Chainsaw
**◦** Axe
**◦** Ruler
**◦** Protractor
**◦** tome
**Mechanic death**
**◦** Gear whip
**◦** Sanding belt
**◦** Ray gun
**◦** Flintlock
**◦** Musket
**◦** Boom stick
"../bloodlust&mercy/weapon types/bow.html | ◦ Bow"
**◦** Crossbow
**◦** Sniper
**◦** RPG
**◦** Shot gun
**◦** Rifle
**◦** Guardian blade
**◦** Heaven breaker
**◦** Dual blade
**◦** Barret
**◦** Tank
**◦** Explosive hammer
**◦** Elemental
**◦** Broomstick
**◦** Gemstock
**◦** Bayonet
**◦** Cthulhu pistol
**◦** Volley guns
**◦** Jet
**◦** Hover craft
**◦** Drone
**Blood weaver**
**◦** Blood scythe
**◦** Blood bath
**◦** Blood gun
**◦** Brass nuckles
**◦** Gauntlets
**◦** Claws
**Club man**
**◦** Club
**◦** Bat
**◦** Waddy
**◦** Drugs
**◦** Scalpel
**◦** Saw
**◦** Net
**◦** Fishing pole
**◦** Harrpoon
**◦** Knife
**◦** Trap
**◦** Pitch fork
**◦** Skull
**◦** Dirk
**◦** Wand
**Magnetic weaver**
**◦** Glue on whip
**◦** Repolion staff
**◦** Power shield
**◦** Side arms gun
**◦** Side arms melee
**◦** Side arms extend
**◦** Pickaxe
**◦** Shovel
**◦** Drill
**◦** Hammer
**◦** Great sword
**◦** Shield
**◦** Dagger
**◦** Lock pick
**◦** Throwing knives
**Sound weaver**
**◦** Radio
**◦** Speaker
**◦** Sonic ray
**◦** Butterfly knife
**◦** Umbrella
**◦** Pistol
**Time weaver**
**◦** Pocket watch
**◦** Revolver
**◦** Long sword
**◦** Cross
**◦** Mace axe
**◦** Khopesh
other beings
items and artifacts
skills, spells, destinys, and features
Constructs, Crafting stations, and Technologies
Rule systems